Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Comical Aprons

Fig Street Studio sells comical aprons on the web at

Comical designs from alligators to Zydeco music, crawfish, and Mardi Gras. Take a look at the Lobster and Road Kill Cafe Aprons at Fig Street Studio.

Art On Postage Stamps From Fig Street Studio

Unique art on postage stamps. New Orleans artist JK Schwehm sells art on postage stamps on the web at his Zazzle shop,

New Orleans Art On Greeting Cards

New Orleans artist JK Schwehm sells his art on greeting cards on the web at

Unique paintings and graphic designs on cards some with matching postage stamps. The cards can be personalized and customized on the web. Add in names, logo, or sentiments right on the web page. Many cards to choose from and sales help rebuild.

New Orleans Canal St Snow 1885 card
New Orleans Canal St Snow 1885 by figstreetstudio
Shop for a different greeting card on